Mixed sense is a combination of several substances with no fixed ratio
without going through a chemical reaction . When you make a drink of tea , what are the substances are mixed ? When you dissolve salt or sugar into a glass of water , what can you observe ? Well , consider the following explanation ! In everyday life we encounter a mix . For example , river water , soil , air , food, water , saline solution , sugar solution , etc. .
Agent original mix of properties there are still distinguishable from each other , some are not distinguishable . In the mixed air some gaseous elements , such as: nitrogen , oxygen , carbon dioxide and other gases . Fresh air we breathe contains more oxygen than the air polluted . In the air is also composed of several compounds , among others : the smoke and dust .
When you add sugar into a glass of water , then the sugar will dissolve in water and can no longer see the form of sugar . Well , let you taste the sugar solution ! What can you feel ? It turns out you can taste sweet . Mixed types are grouped into two parts , namely :
1 . The mixture homogenized see the discussion click here
2 . Mixture of heterogeneous see the discussion click here