The mixture Heterogeneous mixture of two or more kinds of substances whose constituent particles can still be distinguished from each other is called a heterogeneous mixture. Examples of heterogeneous mixtures: soil, river water, food, beverages, sea water, cookie dough, batter cast concrete, etc..
In a heterogeneous mixture of substances between the dividing wall can still be seen, for example, a mixture of water with oil, a mixture of iron and sand, a mixture of iron powder and water, etc.. In the heterogeneous mixture divided into two parts, namely:
a. colloid
The particles in the colloid can only be seen with a microscope ultra. The particle size of between 0.5 m s.d 1 mm. Examples of colloids: milk, smoke, fog, gelatin.
b. suspension
The particles in suspension can only be seen with a regular microscope. Between particle size greater than 0.3 m. Example suspension: oil and water, turbid water, and lime water.