Definition of Cohesion and Adhesion Have you tried putting a coin into a glass full of water ? How many coins can you put in the glass ? What happened ? To understand these events consider the following explanation :
of cohesion and adhesion .
Cohesion is the attractive forces between particles of similar substance . Adhesion is the attractive forces between the particles are not similar . Cekungnya convex surface and the liquid in the tube is called the meniscus . Squirt Alogika mercury on the surface of the glass , how the shape of the mercury ? It turns out that the mercury drop shaped ball and does not wet the surface of the glass .
Why could happen ? Because mercury greater cohesion than adhesion to the surface of the mercury glass . Squirt water on the surface of the glass , how the shape of the water ? It turns out that a drop of water spread and wet the glass surface . Why could happen ? Since the cohesion of water is smaller than the adhesion of water to the glass surface . Why can ink to write on paper ? Try explained
based on cohesion and adhesion ?