Semi-metal element (Metalloids) semi-metallic Elements have properties between metals and non-metals. Some examples of semi-metallic element that is useful in everyday life, such as:Discussion of elements and element typesa. Silicon (Si)There are at most second nature after oxygen, ie 28% of the earth's crust. Silicone compounds are Widely used in cutting and sanding equipment,
for semi-conductors, as well as materials for making glass and ceramics.b. Germanium (Ge)The existence of very little germanium in nature, derived from coal and rock solid zinc. Germanium
is a semiconductor material, ie at low Temperatures serves as an
insulator, while at higher Temperatures as a conductor. A chemist named Demitri Mendleev (1834 ~ 1907) propose the arrangement of the periodic table elements. How is the element name and emblem written? The number of elements contained in nature is quite difficult for us to remember the name of the element. Therefore, we need a procedure to help us remember the name of the element. Jons Jacob Berzelius (1779 ~ 1848), Introduced the manner of writing the name and emblem elements items, namely:1. Each element is Represented by a single letter taken from the initial letters of the element name.2. Coat element is written with a capital letter.3. For elements that have the same initial letters, then writing the distinguished name by adding one letter behind and lowercase.exampleCarbon element is written C, oxygen O written, written Aluminum Al, Ca Calcium written.