Sense of Hearing The ear is the organ to detect sound waves. Sound waves are the molecules moving air wave form. How the ear detects the movement of air molecules and allows you to hear? To answer this question, we first see our bagianbagiantelinga. The human ear is divided into three parts, the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear.
The outer ear
Earlobe help direct sound waves to the middle ear.
Narrow channel leading to the middle ear called the ear canal. Ear canal to channel sound waves to the middle ear.
The middle ear
The eardrum is a membrane that vibrates at the end of the ear canal. The cells in the ear canal produce a chemical substance such as fat, also called ear wax. Ear wax helps remove insects and other foreign material out of the ear and the eardrum retain remains soft.
Three small bones are the main parts of the middle ear. Based on the shape, it is called bone tulangtulang hammer, anvil and stirrup. These bones are very small and relate to one another and associated with the membrane in the inner ear.
Ear in
The cochlea is a Latin word which means the cochlea. The cochlea is a spiral chamber in the inner ear containing nerve cells and containing fluid. Each nerve cells in the cochlea are connected by a large nerve, the auditory nerves. Auditory nerves carry voice messages to the brain.
In the inner ear there is a semicircular canals which help us maintain balance.