The egg cell produced by the ovaries every 28 days. What controls the cycle? Menstrual cycle calculation Some changes in the reproductive system is controlled by hormones. Hormones are chemicals produced by the body to control the metabolic processes in the body. Changes that occur each month on the female reproductive organs is called the menstrual cycle. On a woman's menstrual cycle occurs every certain period, eg 28 days. However, the menstrual cycle varies for each individual, ranging from 20-40 days. The
changes that occur during menstruation involves cooking eggs and
thickening of the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg cell.
If the egg cell in the ovary cook, thicken the uterine wall. More or less on day 14 of the menstrual cycle of 28 days, resulting egg cell from the ovary, and is known as the
ovulation. The egg is still alive for 24-48 hours, and move along the fallopian tubes toward the uterus or the uterus. The egg can be fertilized when there are live sperm in the fallopian tubes for 48 hours before or after ovulation. If the egg is not fertilized in the fallopian tubes, it will be whole (broken). Uterine lining will shed and bleeding occurs. These events occur every month, and is known as menstruation. The duration of menstruation lasts for 4-6 days. shows the changes during the menstrual cycle. When menstruation takes place, another egg begins to experience cooking. Rahim also began to thicken in preparation for receiving the other egg. Menstruation
occurs when the organ started breeding girl started masak.Pada most
girls, the first menstruation occurred at the age of 8-13 years old, and
continued until the age of 45-55 years. In the 50s Cycle Counting periods become irregular and stop for good, this event is called menopause.